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In short in a sentence

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Sentence count:213+6Posted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: brieflyconciselyin briefshortlySimilar words: shortshortsshortlyshortagecut shortshort-termin support ofcitizenshipMeaning: adv. in a concise manner; in a few words. 
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61. In short, the whole project was carefully designed to produce a comprehensive visual cross-section of society in motion.
62. In short, it would seem that the relationship must have evolved over and over again.
63. They could, in short, be accommodated, without any undue friction.
64. In short, nearly one in three possessed physical defects, a figure which took no account of dental problems or defective vision.
65. In short, to borrow a voguish term, they acquire the competencies which are characteristic of higher education.
66. Why, in short, was it necessary to criminalise and terrorise our entire community?
67. In short, he becomes more credible as a negotiator and as an enforcement agent.
68. In short a process of levelling up rather than the levelling down anticipated by many critics of comprehensive provision.
69. In short, a literature reviewer tells you what others have done or are doing in your problem area.
70. In short, was the Kohl government, which held power for 16 consecutive years, up for sale?
71. In short, a lot was done to increase the level of charitable donations from individuals in the 1980s.
72. In short, I am suggesting that there is more continuity than discontinuity in the development of the novel as a literary form.
73. In short, the start-up company receives not only funding, but valuable advice to help it avoid pitfalls.
74. Maxim ducked behind the first man who was hauling back his breath in short gasps.
75. Suitably sized shells are often in short supply and in some areas this limits the hermit crab population.
76. Unemployed deaf men, who were not in short supply, were employed in that capacity.
77. In short, they're advertisements not just for your financial status, but for your impeccable intellectual and social credentials.
78. In short, fertilization enhanced neither the build-up of biological materials nor the capture of nutrients by it.
79. The skeletal parts of hard corals are made of calcium carbonate and if this is in short supply they can suffer.
80. In short, it was a rout of the doomsayers and a vindication of the architects of Desert Storm.
81. This results in short positive pulses coincident with the core switching transitions to select the desired pickup of coil signals.
82. Backstage,[ short.html] Paul was surrounded by bimbos in short skirts just waiting for him to notice them.
83. In short, the lack of business transaction security is widely acknowledged as a major impediment to widespread ecommerce.
84. In short, for many employees constructive dismissal claims give rise to a Catch 22.
85. They stated that basic equipment and medicines were in short supply and that antibiotics and analgesics were particularly scarce.
86. The task, in short, was to use bourgeois culture against the bourgeoisie.
87. They moved, in short, from exporting products to exporting jobs.
88. In general most of these clauses are not highly desirable in short form standard conditions.
89. This should be written in short grammatical sentences with the minimum of dependent clauses.
90. Shareholder-driven deals, in short, require no consultation with the labour force whatsoever.
More similar words: shortshortsshortlyshortagecut shortshort-termin support ofcitizenshipchampionshiprelationshiphornhormonehorrorshowhorizonshoutthoroughhorriblemetaphorshow inshowershootshockshow offshow upshoveauthorityauthorizerush outbishop
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